NYC Film and Television Industry | Recovery Plan

Throughout July, Broadway Stages celebrates America, pride of place, and the important role New York plays in the character and culture of our great nation. This week we turn the spotlight on our own industry, and the positive economic impact it brings to communities across our city and beyond. 

Last year, the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) released a study detailing specifics on the film and television industry’s significance and contribution to New York City’s economy. The groundbreaking report arrived as New York City was beginning its journey to recovery from the pandemic, which highlighted just how important this industry is to the city’s identity, the livelihood of many New Yorkers, and the local economy. The full report can be accessed here.

In addition to supporting  ~ 185,000 total jobs, associated wages of $18.1 billion, and total economic output of $81.6 billion, over the past fifteen years, direct jobs in the NYC television and film industry have grown at an annual rate of 3%, outpacing the city’s overall rate of 2%. These numbers demonstrate the critical role the industry plays in driving the city’s economy and the importance of keeping it strong.

Fortunately, the city is responding to recovery efforts and in a big way, with a broad-based economic recovery blueprint "Rebuild, Renew Reinvent" that includes major investments in the film and television industry.  In a recent press release, Mayor Adams “…announced three key components of his economic recovery blueprint that will drive inclusive growth in the film and television sector, invest in New York's creative economy, and ensure the industry recovers beyond pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels.

These components include the introduction of the first-ever Film and Television Production Industry Council, created to advise the city's production policies and programs; the appointment of Kwame Amoaku as Deputy Commissioner in the Film Office of the Mayor's Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME), to serve as principal advisor on production policy as film production in New York City returns to pre-pandemic levels; and the signing of Executive Order 21, highlighting the Adams administration's support of the television and film industry.”  These actionable efforts will facilitate industry growth, and local economic development. 

Our own President and CEO, Gina Argento, is honored to be among the charter members of the groundbreaking 21-member Film and Television Production Industry Council.  The long-term success of our industry and the positive impact it has on the communities across our city remains a top priority to Broadway Stages and is a critical aspect of our business philosophy. 

We look forward to working with both the city and state to expand the contribution that the film and television industry make in New York.  Together, the major investments from the city and the NY State tax credit programs, will be instrumental to attracting industry activity and bringing the industry and local economy beyond pre-pandemic levels.