Learn about Local Birds and Nature with the NYC Audubon
/Leo Wexler-Mann leading partner walk in Riverside Park, Manhattan. Photo: NYC Audubon
Broadway Stages is committed to supporting environmental sustainability in the boroughs in which we operate and across the city. A local organization that shares this core value is the New York City Audubon, a nonprofit that has worked to protect wild birds and habitat in the wetlands, forests, and grasslands across the City’s five boroughs for more than 40 years. Our own Gina Argento (Broadway Stages’ president and CEO) is proud to have recently joined NYC Audubon’s board of directors.
NYC Audubon offers opportunities for NYC area residents to get outside in July to experience nature and learn about our local birds and their habitat. Upcoming fee-based walks include: Breeding Birds Of Inwood Hill Park (Saturday, July 2), Friday Morning In Prospect Park (Friday, July 8), Croton Point Park (Saturday, July 9), Audubon Mural Project Tour (Sunday, July 24); and more. Check their website for more events and registration information. Also check out their Free and Partner Walks (various dates), including Governors Island Bird Walks, Riverside Park Summer on the Hudson Bird Walks, and “For the Birds” Brooklyn Botanic Garden Walks. Check website for dates and details.
How you can support the NYC Audubon
Consider supporting NYC Audubon by making a tax-deductible financial donation. Other ways to provide your support are by becoming a member or by volunteering. For more information about NYC Audubon, visit their website or scan the QR code below with your mobile phone camera. Be sure to follow them on Instagram and Facebook. Happy birding!