NCA Offers Educational Programs at Kingsland Wildflowers

Newtown Creek Alliance (NCA) welcomed in the new school year with some exciting new educational materials. As the steward of educational programming at Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages, they offer a number of opportunities for all ages, both live and online.

Live, place-based experiences include group tours given from April – October, for school groups, clubs, summer camps, and other types of educational groups (fourth grade through college). During these tours, learners experience STEM-based curriculum and stewardship-driven activities. For example, the “Urban Footprint” tour explores human environmental impact related to topics such as area history, environmental justice, waste systems, stormwater management, urban design, and more, featuring living architecture, green roofs, and other relevant experiences. To learn more about field trip topics and locations, or to request a field trip, see the NCA website.

There are also numerous online resources available, including comprehensive Interactive StoryMaps replete with stunning imagery and detailed information developed using ArcGIS StoryMaps. Check out the following StoryMaps that feature KWBS: “Climate Change Adaptations,” “Flora and Fauna, “ and “Water Quality.

Additional online resources include educational videos, interactive curriculum units, and live tours. KWBS is featured in information-packed Interactive Curriculum Units including “Flora and Fauna on a Green Roof,” “Kingsland Wildflowers Virtual tour,” and the “Kingsland Wildflowers Scavenger Hunt.” NCA also offers curriculum designed for elementary- or middle school-aged students (but adaptable for any age), to “bring the creek into the classroom and the classroom out to the creek.” This includes the Kingsland Wildflowers Green Roof Teacher’s Guide. See the website for more information and to request curriculum materials.

Whether a teacher, student, or neighbor, NCA can offer you educational materials to increase your understanding and engage you with sustaining the unique natural resource that is Newtown Creek. Check out NCA’s full educational programming on the NCA website (click on the “Education” dropdown menu). And learn more about Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages on their website.