Indoor Dining to Resume in NYC

Wednesday, September 30 will mark the first day that restaurants in New York City can resume indoor dining since the start of the pandemic in March.  While there are a number of safety guidelines that must be followed, we encourage you to support your local restaurants, but please do so safely.  Included below is a list of what you can expect when you venture into a restaurant beginning September 30th:

  • 25 percent occupancy limit

  • Temperature checks will be required at the door for all customers

  • One member of each party will be required to provide contact information for tracing if needed

  • No bar service - bars will only be used as a source of making drinks and serving them tableside

  • Masks must be worn at all times when not seated at a table

  • Tables must be six feet apart

  • Restaurants close at midnight

  • Restaurants should operate with enhanced air filtration, ventilation and purification standards

Outdoor dining will continue but it’s important to note that bars have not been given the green light to reopen their indoor spaces at this time, only restaurants.  A decision to expand indoor dining capacity in the City to 50% is expected no later than November 1st and will depend on the infection rate.  We will be sure to keep you posted. In the meantime, support your local restaurants, follow safety protocol and understand that the staff is following guidelines and trying to make your return to indoor dining a pleasant one.