Broadway Stages’ Vendors and Clients Feed the Front Line
/Like most other businesses, filming and all work associated with the TV and film industry came to a halt in early March with the onset of COVID-19. But it has not stopped our vendors and clients from working for our community. Our friends at Wilson Rivas Crafts have always gone the extra mile to support our community and they have ramped up their efforts during COVID-19. Their kitchens are busier than ever cooking and preparing individual meals to feed New York City front liners. Take a look at their daily videos on Facebook to see the work going on behind the scenes. We are incredibly proud of the amazing generosity and kindness of Wilson Rivas Crafts as well as the continued financial support provided by CBS’ The Good Fight. We are honored to also be a part of this outreach and applaud the mutual efforts of our vendors and clients to support the front liners who are working to heal our sick and protect our community. Thank you, Wilson Rivas Crafts and CBS!
If you are interested in helping the film industry feed the front line, check out this link. The industry continues to do its part to support our community – before, during and after COVID-19 – we will be here and remain committed to help meet the needs of our neighbors.