NOoSHERE Arts’ WE ARE NATURE: Rising and Falling | Earth Ethics

Broadway Stages is proud to support NOoSPHERE Arts’ performance series WE ARE NATURE, which runs throughout the summer. We invite you to enjoy visual arts, dance, music, and more as WE ARE NATURE: Rising and Falling | Earth Ethics is presented!

On Saturday, September 23, from 5:00 - 8:00 PM, NOoSPHERE Arts will present its third installment of the 2023 performance series, WE ARE NATURE. This event, held at Broadway Stages facility at  520 Kingsland Avenue, is an official NYC Climate Week event and  fundraiser for the conservation and restoration of the Amazon rainforest through the Boa Foundation.

The theme this year explores Nature’s Cycles. There are cycles in everything—seasons, circadian rhythms, cellular life, planetary systems, politics, and economics—and cycles in one realm affect cycles in others. Thinking about cycles can help us to discern structure, order, and patterns in the world around us and to realize that everything in life will ebb and flow—an encouraging thought in times of darkness.

As leading thinker and longtime NOoSPHERE Arts collaborator, Fritjof Capra said, ““Life, from its beginning more than three billion years ago, did not take over the planet by combat but by networking.”

The evening will be filled with beauty at every turn, all a celebration of the world around us. Brazilian Dancer and Model Alexandre Barranco will perform Becoming, a solo act inspired by the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. Also presented will be the 6 Rs of Sustainable Fashion (RE-pair, RE-use, RE-design, RE-cycling, RE-make, and RE-duce) conceived by Artist and designer Isabelle Mesquita. One-of-a-kind artist Fantasy Grandma, will perform their piece Bottlecap as well.

Bringing words to ponder will be Brooklyn-based poet and recording artist Honeychild Coleman. Also speaking words of wisdom will be Benki Piyako, President of the Yorenka Tasorentsi Institute and Spiritual and political leader of the Ashaninka People. As always, the evening will welcome the aforementioned best-selling author and scientist, Fritjof Capra, as he expounds on the Systems Thinking theory and its role in our lives.

Those seeking restoration can experience the nurturing power of Sound Healing and its effects on the body & mind at Inner Sanctuary Activation with Boshko Boskovic. And the evening air will be filled with sounds of joy by Brazilian musician Denise Reiss at sunset.

While you enjoy all that is being presented, be sure to indulge on vegan bites by Mariana Tamiozzy and herbal elixirs by Crystal Drip Elixirs.

There is too much to be missed, so add this to your calendars!

NOoSPHERE Arts’ 2023 programming is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor, the New York State Legislature, Council Member Lincoln Restler, District 33, and Broadway Stages.