Top Picks | Movie Genre

Welcome to our new Top Picks blog series, where we'll be sharing personal favorites and top picks of our Founder, Tony Argento, and President and CEO, Gina Argento!.The Top Picks will cover a wide range of subjects, from movies, books, and cuisine, to flora, fauna, music and more!  Whether you're looking for inspiration, knowledge, entertainment, or just curious, we've got you covered. So, join us and learn about the amazing leaders at Broadway Stages and more. Grab some popcorn and let’s dive in! 

Everyone has their own personal taste when it comes to movies, and the film industry has something for everyone!  In this Top Pick we asked Gina and Tony about their favorite movie genre.

For Gina it’s all about the documentary.  Before we tell you about her favorite, let’s dive into the subject of a documentary.  What is a documentary and what purpose does it serve?

The word “documentary” comes – via the word ‘document’ – from the Latin word “docere,” which means “show, teach, cause to know.” Wikipedia defines a documentary film or documentary as a non-fictional motion-picture intended to document reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education or maintaining a historical record.

We like what Videomaker says in their March 2020 article, “When you attach the power of story to reality, you create a deeper level of understanding, a connection between subject and viewer — a documentary.” Masterclass lists six types or modes of documentaries — poetic, expository, reflexive, observational, performative, and participatory — each containing its own specific characteristics.  Learn more from five-time Emmy Award Winner, Ken Burns, in his Masterclass on documentary filmmaking.  Burns says that “there is as much drama in what is and what was as anything that the human imagination dreams up… and you have the added advantage of it being true.”  We can agree with that!

Maybe this is why Gina loves a good documentary and among her favorites is “Won't You Be My Neighbor?” an exploration of the life, lessons, and legacy of iconic children's television host Fred Rogers.  This documentary was loved by critics and the general public alike winning the 2019 award for best documentary at the 2019 Film Independent Spirit Awards. See all 54 wins and 34 nominations here and watch the official trailer.

Next, we move on to Tony who loves a good drama.  Masterclass describes the drama genre as featuring stories with high stakes and many conflicts. They are plot-driven and demand that every character and scene move the story forward. Dramas follow a clearly defined narrative plot structure, portraying real-life scenarios or extreme situations with emotionally driven characters.

Among Tony’s favorites is the epic 1962 British drama “Lawrence of Arabia” that is based on the life of T. E. Lawrence and his 1926 book Seven Pillars of Wisdom. The film depicts Lawrence's experiences in Syria during WWI and his involvement in the Arab National Council. His emotions are front and center as he responds to the violence of war and struggles with his allegiance as a native Britain and his new-found Arabian comrades.  Wikipedia reports that the film won seven Oscars at the 35th Academy Awards in 1963, including Best Picture and Best Director. It also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture – Drama and the BAFTA Awards for Best Film and Outstanding British Film

Tony is in good company. This dramatic classic inspired many directors including Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg, among others.  His favorite of all time, Spielberg said that this movie inspired him to become a filmmaker.  Check out the official trailer here and see what all the buzz is about. 

We hope you enjoyed our first Top Picks blog. Let us know in the comments about your top pick and favorite movie. We would love to know what you enjoy watching. And stay tuned for our Top Picks next month when we explore Gina and Tony’s favorite music genre.