NCA is Part of a New Green Infrastructure Stewardship Coalition

Newtown Creek Alliance (NCA) is not only the steward of the educational programming at Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages, but also works to achieve the mission of their organization with a keen focus on environmental sustainability. They actively search for ways to help advance green initiatives that enhance our ecosystem. There most recent project demonstrates our green partner’s perseverance and commitment to community.

NCA is part of a new green infrastructure stewardship coalition designed to build green job opportunities and address the climate crisis. Together with the Bronx River Alliance, Gowanus Canal Conservancy, and The HOPE Program, NCA will work to provide green education for community volunteers and job training for low-income New Yorkers. 

This new collaborative effort, made possible by a grant from the New York City Green Relief and Recovery Fund and administered by the City Parks Foundation, is aimed at improving rain garden performance, increasing co-benefits such as community beautification, providing local jobs and workforce development, and engaging local communities in the stewardship of their green spaces. This project will pilot watershed-specific approaches that can be scaled up to a citywide solution for sustainable green infrastructure maintenance and workforce growth.

Congratulations to NCA, the Bronx River Alliance, Gowanus Canal Conservancy and The Hope Program, for their leadership and commitment to environmental sustainability in our city.  To read the full Press Release click here