Happy New Year from Broadway Stages

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Happy New Year!  We made it folks.  The road traveled through 2020 is now a memory and a lesson we must continue to learn from. We are not out of the woods, but we see light beyond the pandemic.  We ended the previous decade on an upbeat note of growth.  Our plans for 2020 were ambitious.  We sought to continue our efforts to be the studio production partner-of-choice by providing our clients with the services they require to film productions that bring jobs and revenue into our communities. We also planned to expand our green infrastructure with an additional 60,000+ sq. ft. of green rooftops, to continue our support of local businesses and refine our giving strategy to ensure our impact is aligned with our key focus areas and the needs of our community. So now it’s time to take inventory of our journey. 

Most importantly, although we have experienced loss like so many in our City, we are here, we are healthy, and following health and safety guidelines.  We were able to work with our clients to implement the protocols needed to bring filming back after a five month hiatus.  While not yet at capacity, the sets are live and with it the jobs that the industry provides to our local community.  On the environmental front, half of our green rooftop expansion was installed, and we are committed to complete the additional 30,000 sq. ft. of infrastructure that will create a three acre green corridor. 

Throughout the pandemic we have also continued our community outreach and realized a tragic and growing need – food insecurity.  We became acquainted with The Campaign Against hunger (TCAH) in May of 2020.  They were in need of a facility to collect and distribute food to those experiencing food insecurity due to the pandemic.  We responded with a 10-month in-kind lease that created a food collection and distribution operation at our facility in Canarsie.  This has allowed TCAH to seamlessly serve our community and give them time to identify a location where they can establish a permanent home for their operation.  In addition, we have continued to support our local businesses. We shop local and promote our local shops via our weekly Business Spotlight. Our mom and pop shops are the heart and soul of our community and we are doing our part to help them survive.  Please shop local whenever you can.

No doubt 2020 was a tough year, but we have survived and grown. We realize how important people are… our family, friends, co-workers, clients and strangers we pass on the street.  We recognize the heroes among us… healthcare workers, first responders, our essential workforce. We faced adversity and maintained our principles – to meet the needs of our clients, support local businesses, expand our commitment to environmental sustainability and help our neighbors.  We remain optimistic as we face 2021 and welcome you to join us on our journey.  Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to our newsletter. Happy New Year. Stay safe and healthy!  — Gina Argento, President and CEO