Climate Week NYC 2020 | September 21 – 27

Climate Week NYC is an annual event that has taken place every year in New York City since 2009. The summit takes place alongside the UN General Assembly and brings together international leaders from business, government and civil society to showcase global climate action. Run by The Climate Group, Climate Week NYC is the largest of a number of Climate Week events that take place around the world throughout the year. Due to the coronavirus, this will be one of the few international climate events taking place in 2020.  Among the organizations listed to host sessions during the week are the International Institute for Sustainable Development, American Security Project and the Nature Conservancy and Climate Group, with more groups being added each day. To learn more about sessions taking place click here.

We are proud that our green arts partner, NOoSPHERE Arts’ is on this years’ Climate Week NYC calendar, with their WE ARE NATURE performance that will take place on Sunday, September 27 on our rooftops in Greenpoint. The event will feature a theme introduction by renowned scientist, author, educator, and activist Fritjof Capra; a newly commissioned site-specific dance work inspired by Newton Creek by Kizuna Dance & live music by Katy Gunn. In following coronavirus guidelines, a limited audience of 25 will be able to attend the live performance; tickets can be purchased here. The performance will also be streamed online free for those unable to attend in person. This co-production by NOoSPHERE Arts and CreateART is sponsored in part by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC). You won’t want to miss the years’ Climate Week sessions or the WE ARE NATURE performance, so get your tickets now.