A Note of Thanks


Thanksgiving.  It’s that time of year when we reflect on our blessings, large and small.  At Broadway Stages we are indeed thankful for so many things.  

Thanks... for our community, our leaders and people who care about others.

Thanks... to our staff, vendors and contractors who keep our business running. 

Thanks… to our clients who provide entertainment and jobs.

Thanks... to our first responders who keep us safe 24/7 365.

Thanks… to our educators for teaching our most precious resource.

Thanks... for the wonders in our world — Rain Forests, the Grand Canyon, the Catskills, the snow-capped Rockies, the Great Lakes, colorful autumn leaves, the smell of the ocean, the feel of sand in our toes, the warmth of the sun, the light of the moon, snowflakes — each one unique, for sunsets and sunrises, wildlife and pets.

Thanks... for the miracles that happen every day, whether we notice or not. For the first cry of a baby, for the innocent delight of a young child.

Thanks... for family and friends, for health and happiness, for love, shelter and nourishment.

This Thanksgiving we are indeed thankful... to live in this great Nation, the great state of New York and our amazing City.  

Thanks... for everything. And Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!