Broadway Stages President Gina Argento Advises College Graduates on Entering the Workforce

Fortune's Question of the Day aims to answer public concerns or questions in the business world regarding entrepreneurship, economy, and finance, amongst other topics, with the help of business professionals and industry experts.

To help recent college graduates gain an edge in the job market, Broadway Stages President Gina Argento commented on Fortune's Question of the Day,
What advice do you have for college graduates entering the workforce?”

  1. Don't make generic cover letters!
    "The ones that stand out say more than just, 'I have experience with film.' That is already expected when applying to a film production company." To make the cut, you need to personalize your cover letter and express why you will be the ideal candidate for the position you are going to fill. Think about how your strengths will be applied to that position.

  2. Get excited!
    The more excited you are for the position, the more excited your interviewer will be. Show that you are excited to learn about and willing to grow into and beyond your new position. "At Broadway Stages, I look for my staff to become experts in their field, whether it's in filming equipment, woodworking, lighting, or another area. Their expertise isn't expected on day one, but when we hire, we look for those who have potential to grow and become leaders of their team." Learning is part of the process when first entering the workforce, but showing that you will go beyond your daily assignments speaks key.

Go out there and make your way to the top of the interview list and land that job!

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