Bringing the Beauty of the Local Ecosystem to You with Untamed Flowers

MArni majorelle speaks at the broadway stages’ kingsland wildflowers festival.

Just over 100,000 square feet of green space lie across Broadway Stages' rooftops in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Of that, about 60,000 square feet are home to wildflowers, grasses, and organic produce that attract and protect the habitat for migratory birds and essential pollinators. Our Kingsland Wildflowers Green Roof Garden and Community Engagement Center comprises 24,000+ square feet of that space, which is available during seasonal open hours (Friday evenings, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.). There is also a portion of the green roof garden that is inaccessible to the public. This gave rise to a genius idea from Marni Majorelle, the founder of Alive Structures, who not only designed Kingsland Wildflowers, but also is responsible for its maintenance. Marni wanted to find a way to continue to share her passion for a robust and beautiful local ecosystem. She decided there was no better ambassador for this mission than the wildflowers themselves. And thus, Untamed Flowers was born.

Untamed Flowers is a new business that offers unique arrangements of local wildflowers, such as Wild Irises, Golden Alexanders, Wild Columbine, Arkansas Bluestar, Ninebark, and Hairy Beardtongue. Other varieties, such as Purple Prairie Clover, Milkweed, and Brown-Eyed Susans, will be available as the season progresses.  

Complementing the local wildflowers are fan favorites such as Tulips, Purple Verbena, and Poppies. Majorelle said this choice was made to ensure the local flora is not over-harvested. After all, they are a crucial part of the ecosystem, something she very much keeps in mind.

"These rooftops are special places. They are beautiful oases." Majorelle said. "These arrangements will raise awareness of native plants and green infrastructure. But the revenue will also aid in the care of the greenspace." She also added that in addition to the donated space and matching funds, Broadway Stages continues to help fund the upkeep of the rooftop meadows. 

Currently, Untamed Flowers offers custom arrangements for sale online. For special events, it is asked that you give a minimum of two weeks' notice. They also offer a subscription service where they deliver arrangements to your store, restaurant, or residence on a weekly basis. For more information, complete an online contact form or contact Marnie Majorelle at 

You can also find Untamed Flowers products available through the Greenpoint Williamsburg CSA, with deliveries going out on Saturdays and Wednesdays. Majorelle tries to attend the J.J. Byrne Farmers' Market at Park Slope every other Sunday for those looking to buy in person. In addition to getting a special floral display, you can learn about the special flowers in them and their role in keeping Greenpoint green.

She noted, "These arrangements are not found in your typical florist. These are special flowers that reflect the original nature here." In addition to the arrangements, she hopes to develop a small nursery and seed company in the future. 

Untamed Flowers is an exceptional business for a lot of reasons. It represents the value of local flora and fauna. It shows the potential of an investment in green infrastructure. It is the product of Majorelle's passion for integrating nature into our city, making it a healthier and more resilient place for humans and other species to live. And it embodies Broadway Stages' commitment to being a responsible neighbor, professionally and environmentally,and one that supports local businesses. We urge you to contact Untamed Flowers today to order your bespoke bouquet. And when you do, be sure to tell them Broadway Stages sent you!