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NYC Bird Alliance August Update

If you read our recent blog on the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, you know that its marshland, fresh and brackish water ponds, and grassy fields are a haven for New York City's shorebirds. August is a perfect time to explore the Refuge and take them in! On August 24, the NYC Bird Alliance, the American Littoral Society, and Gateway National Recreation Area are partnering to bring you the 19th Annual Shorebird Festival at Jamaica Bay, This family-friendly experience will give you a chance to learn about these beautiful birds and explore the natural habitat of the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. Come see the bay through the eyes of a shorebird!

But that’s not all the NYC Bird Alliance has to offer this month! They have a full slate of bird tours and outings. And best of all, they’re all free (including the Shorebird Festival at Jamaica Bay). Listed below are upcoming tours and outings. 

As always, the success of NYC Bird Alliance’s mission depends on the many dedicated and generous supporters. Whether you are a veteran birder or an interested newbie, there are many ways to get involved with NYC Bird Alliance. Click here to learn more about the opportunities to help keep NYC safe for our feathered friends! You can also give your financial support by clicking here. Stay abreast of all the events the NYC Bird Alliance has to offer by checking their calendar and following them on Instagram and Facebook.

This is an excellent time of year to get out and enjoy all that nature has to offer. The tours and outings hosted by the NYC Bird Alliance are a great way to do it. Broadway Stages encourages you to add one or more to your August plans.