April is Earth Month | Invest in Our Planet
Warren Buffet, who knows a thing or two about investing, once said, “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” This advice is even more fitting as April is Earth Month, and the theme this year is “Invest in Our Planet.” Broadway Stages doesn’t usually dispense investment advice, but here are some tips that we wholeheartedly endorse.
Take a walk or bike ride!
New York City was once known as the concrete jungle, but today, our greenspaces are just as much a part of our identity. New York City is home to over 20,000 acres of natural areas. The city’s trees each year capture 1.97 billion gallons of stormwater runoff and store 1.2 million tons of carbon. Each borough has plenty of parks and trails for you to explore. Cyclists can find a complete map of the city’s bike trails here. For hikers, the parks department has a page dedicated to the hiking trails for each borough. You can start your journey here.
Support your pollinators!
With the changing climate, pollinators that help grow our food, such as birds, bees, bats, and butterflies, are at risk. But you can help. Grow a pollinator garden with native plants. You don’t need a spacious backyard to do it, either. A windowsill will do! For more information on how, just click here. Or visit and support our friends at Kingsland Wildflowers. Their green roof is home to abundant native plants and insects and provides incredible views of Manhattan.
Invest some sweat equity!
Trash left behind damages our ecosystems. Wildlife might pick at it for food. It may make it more difficult for some plants to flourish. It may end up in waterways and cause harm to underwater life, which keeps our water bodies clean. There are hundreds of events throughout the year where you can pitch in and paint, clean, rake, and take care of our city’s great and vast park system. No matter your schedule or where you live, there is an event for you. Just check out the volunteer events calendar here.
Take care as a caretaker!
You can help ensure our city’s natural resources are safe for future generations. Help with forest and wetland restoration. Or, plant and prune street trees. Maybe you can harvest and propagate native seeds. Or monitor local wildlife. One great way to do this and meet like-minded neighbors is through our friends at the New York City Audubon or our partners at the Newtown Creek Alliance, a community-based organization dedicated to restoring, revealing, and revitalizing Newtown Creek. Or you can become a New York City Parks Steward. It is easy to do but has a significant impact.
There are so many easy and engaging ways to “Invest in our Planet,” and New York City is a great place to do it. Take some time to enjoy the environment and make a difference. And Earth Month is the perfect time to get started!