NYC Film Green | Open and Accepting Applications
In 2016, the New York City Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (NYC MOME) introduced the first-of-its-kind sustainability program for the City's multi-billion dollar film and television industry. The voluntary initiative was designed to encourage productions to engage in sustainable practices in order to reduce their environmental impact and create a sustainable production environment for New York City.
The NYC Film Green is the first green production designation program in the country administered by a government entity, making New York City the nationwide leader in setting environmental standards for the film and television industry. NYC Film Green recognizes film and television productions for their environmentally-conscious practice in the following general categories: Carbon Emissions, Waste Diversion, Transportation, Waste Reduction, Energy Use, Education, and Sourcing.
An application to NYC Film Green gives you access to all the necessary resources to track your sustainable production practices in the seven categories. Enrollment in NYC Film Green is absolutely free. In addition, it gives you access to educational materials, best practices, tracking tools, and resources.
Once a production satisfies the program requirements, it will receive the NYC Film Green Mark of Distinction that can be placed in end credits and any marketing and promotional materials connected to the production. In addition, productions that go above and beyond will have the opportunity to receive additional recognition for their exceptional efforts from NYC MOME.
If your production is ready to earn its own Mark of Distinction, apply HERE today! Consider your investment in our planet; every action we take makes a difference in our future. We encourage you to take a look at the environmentally sustainable investments that Broadway Stages in has made across 100,000 square feet of their rooftops in Brooklyn.