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NCA | 2022 Accomplishments & 2023 Outlook

Broadway Stages salutes its green partner, and steward of Kingsland Wildflowers, Newtown Creek Alliance (NCA), for 20 years of excellence in service to our community. NCA set the bar high in 2022 and aims to surpass it in 2023!

In 2022, NCA made over twenty free public programs around the creek possible. These programs included walking and biking tours, a new free summer education program at the Nature Walk (Creek Critters), and NCA’s first bi-lingual (English/Spanish) community engagement series. Moreover, NCA hosted 82 environmental education field trips, reaching over 1,850 students. In total, NCA engaged over 4,600 individuals in 2022 through a broad range of programs.

Additionally, NCA managed open hours at Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages, and was the lead host for the annual Kingsland Wildflowers Festival. Be sure to watch for information about this year’s Wildflower festival this summer!  You can find more information about the festival and open hours on the updated Kingsland Wildflowers website!

In 2022 NCA also organized 26 cleanup and horticulture events around the creek. Over 430 local volunteers collected and disposed of over 10,000 lbs. of trash and 6,000 lbs. of organic debris. As a result, they documented and reported fifteen pollution issues impacting the health of Newtown Creek and planted over 380 native plants at sites around the creek.

And 2022 saw NCA launch a partnership with Billion Oyster Project to increase filter feeder populations in Newtown Creek. It also launched the Urban Heat Island Youth Fellowship Program, with five full-time research fellows investigating areas of LIC and Sunnyside for extreme heat issues and solutions over six weeks.

Does this work sound as exciting to you as it does to us?  Are you or someone you know interested in joining the extraordinary work at NCA? In that case, there are currently three positions open:

●       Seasonal Greenspace Steward (Part-time)

●       Seasonal Environmental Educator (Part-Time)

●       Office Administrator + Grants Manager (Full Time)

Also coming up is a Town Hall: Planning for a Resilient Waterfront with the US Army Corp of Engineers from 7 to 9 pm on Thursday, 2/23, at Triskelion Arts in Brooklyn. This event is an opportunity to learn more about the US Army Corps of Engineers’ plan for the waterfront in your community. You will also hear presentations from community stakeholders, including Newtown Creek Alliance, and share your feedback!  If you plan on attending, please register now. If you will be attending online, a Zoom link will be sent to you after you register.

NCA is gearing up for another producive year! We encourage you to consider supporting NCA and its mission by donating HERE. And with so many great things coming, be sure to follow the NCA on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!