Broadway Stages

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Evergreen 40th Anniversary Gala | Broadway Stages Recognized

Broadway Stages is proud to be a responsible neighbor and active supporter of economic development in the areas across NYC where we have production soundstages, filming locations and support services. This includes North Brooklyn, where Evergreen “Your North Brooklyn Business Exchange” champions manufacturing, creative production, and industrial service businesses in the area and beyond. Evergreen connects businesses with resources and opportunities to help create and maintain high-quality jobs at all skill levels. Broadway Stages is proud to support Evergreen both as a member and through our President and CEO Gina Argento’s board membership.

This year marks Evergreen’s 40th Anniversary, which will be celebrated on October 17 at a gala at National Sawdust, a non-profit performing arts organization and music venue in the heart of Williamsburg. At the gala, Evergreen will honor 40 people and organizations that have impacted the organization and the local industrial community in North Brooklyn (Evergreen’s “40 x 40” list). These individuals serve as examples of Evergreen’s economic development work. Broadway Stages is proud to be one of the 40 x 40 honorees! 

Consider joining us in supporting Evergreen and the valuable work they do. Find information about gala sponsorships and tickets here. Learn how you can provide financial support by making a tax-deductible donation and becoming a member here.