Broadway Stages

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WE ARE NATURE 6: Climate Week

On Saturday, September 24, from 5:30-8:00 p.m., the WE ARE NATURE performance series hosted by NOoSPHERE Arts’ will celebrate Climate Week. The event will take place at Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages. This beautiful nature sanctuary offers 360° views of the Manhattan skyline along the banks of Newtown Creek.

The evening, a combination of multiple art forms – dance, music, performance, visual art, and prose, will be curated by CreateART, an artist-led multidisciplinary performance and residency platform connecting artists and audiences in diverse venues in NYC.

Visiting from Brazil, Livia Nestrovski & Fred Ferreira form a dynamic duo of voice and electric guitar. Performing as Duo Livia & Fred, they will take you on a journey through old and new songs from Brazil and the World.

Author, mentor, and inspiration Fritjof Capra will speak on the topic of Earth Ethics. “Ethics generally is considered in association with philosophy or with religion. But there’s also a scientific approach to ethics,” says Capra. He continues, “Nature has formed communities of life at all levels of evolution…Ethics always has to do with community. It is behavior for the common good.”

Learn about New York native performance artist, content curator, educator, and activist Princess Lockerooo who will enthrall the audience with a solo performance, Lotus.

Enjoy a production with Maggie Costales (Associate Creative Director and Dramaturg at Haus of PVMNT) and Jamie Kleinschnitz (Freelance dancer and teacher) who will provide movement choreographed by accomplished dancer, choreographer, and filmmaker Thryn Saxon. The music of Bre Short, musician, writer, and performer currently based in Pittsburgh, PA, will round out the performances,

With an evening this abounding and dynamic, we suggest you make your reservation online now!

WE ARE NATURE 2022 is sponsored, in part, by the Greater New York Arts Development Fund of the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, administered by Brooklyn Arts Council (BAC). Programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the NY State Legislature.