Broadway Stages

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NCA Tidal Toast Fundraiser | October 20

Broadway Stages is committed to supporting environmental sustainability in the boroughs in which we operate. A local organization that shares this core value is  Newtown Creek Alliance (NCA). Broadway Stages is proud to be among the supporters of this vital organization that also serves as the steward of educational programming at Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stages. 

We invite you to join us in celebrating NCA’s 20th anniversary at their annual Tidal Toast fundraiser that will take place on Thursday, October 20, from 7 – 10 p.m. This year’s Tidal Toast will be held at Colossal Media on Metropolitan Avenue in Brooklyn. The event celebrates 20 years of advocacy — “...working with community members, local businesses, environmental organizations, and agencies to promote awareness, remediation, access, resilient businesses, and ecological improvements for our local waterway and upland communities.” 

The event will honor all those who have helped NCA in their mission over the years and will give special recognition to three individuals who have made extensive contributions to the cause:

●     Captain John Lipscomb: Restore Award

●     Christine Holowacz: Revitalize Award

●     Mitch Waxman: Reveal Award

Buy your tickets or become a sponsor today. If you would like to volunteer for the event, please indicate your interest by filling out this form.