Broadway Stages

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TCAH Opportunity Youth Program | March 4 Deadline

At Broadway Stages, we love to talk about local organizations that have a positive impact on the lives of those in our community. One of these organizations is The Campaign Against Hunger (TCAH), which, since the pandemic, has served more than 2 million New Yorkers through expanding healthy food access, urban farming, community nutrition education, and workforce programs. This week, we want to tell you about the Opportunity Youth: Supported Work Experience program. A partnership between the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development, TCAH, and 29 other community-based organizations, the program provides work-readiness training to teens and young adults.

To be eligible to apply for the program, you must be between the ages of 16-24, live in any of the five NYC boroughs, not be enrolled in school, and not be employed.

The 14-week program provides participants with work-readiness workshops, paid work experience, and support from a case manager. At the end of the program, participants will have written a resume and improved work-readiness skills, as well as have a job or be working towards getting a job, enrolled in continuing education, or enrolled in occupational training or the military.

There are two sections per year, from September to December and from March to June. The deadline for the next section is March 4, 2022. See the TCAH website for more information and the registration form.

Broadway Stages is proud to be a member of the TCAH board and part of making a difference in the fight against food insecurity. Learn more about TCAH, their programs, and how to donate or volunteer.