Broadway Stages

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Celebrating the Arts | Yvonne Shortt – AnkhLave Artist in Residence

Yvonne Shortt is a social practice installation artist with a Master of Science - MS, Mathematics from New York University.  Her work encompasses illustration, installation, sculpture, and photography. Shortt's work has been shown in museums and public parks throughout New York City, and deals with various themes, including equality, disability, community, and race. 

Shortt was chosen by AnkhLave Arts Alliance, a non-profit arts organization seeking to advance equality in the arts by focusing on BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) artists, as their first Artist in Residence. She will be using the Kingsland Wildflowers at Broadway Stage in conjunction with Newtown Creek Alliance and NOoSPHERE Arts, as a studio space where she will create a new sculpture that will be presented this summer. The sculpture, to be unveiled over the summer, will then move to Queens College to educate others about ecology, human interactions, and the actions being taken by others on the roof of Broadway Stages to create a more sustainable ecosystem.

Broadway Stages is thrilled to provide a platform for BIPOC artists and proud to support diversity in the arts, and the inherent connection between nature and art.  While we wait to see the unveiling of the sculpture, we encourage you to learn more about Ms. Shortt and the portfolio of art she has conscientiously and deliberately brought to our city.