Hot off the Press | February 2021 Newsletter
Get the latest Broadway Stages news delivered directly to your in-box each month. We provide information about our community outreach activities, progress on our green initiatives, the arts, economic growth and industry news. If you want to be in the know, be sure to check us out, subscribe by entering your email address at the bottom of this page and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.
In our latest newsletter, we are excited to share news on several fronts. We begin with award season. We are thrilled that an HBO Max production that filmed at our facilities received multiple nominations. Then we offer a sneak peek at an exciting period drama that is currently under production at our studios. Our business spotlight shines on a local bistro and other local establishments that serve our community. Next, we introduce you to a talented local artist who has performed at iconic New York locations including our own warehouse performance space.
We round out the month with lots of community news. First, we recognize Black History Month with information about how you can honor and celebrate, and also put a spotlight on Black artists with a list of films and shows that tell the stories of real-life Black Americans. We continue with a story about a local organization working to battle food insecurity, and a grant provided to another that is allowing them to maintain their efforts to address the same tragic issue. Then we invite you to an upcoming family-friendly event raising funds to send disadvantaged youth to camp, and we wrap things up with a story about an animal rescue group making a difference in the lives of local animals.
Thanks for joining us and be sure to watch for more news throughout the month. In the meantime, please remember to mask up and follow health safety protocols.