Investing Locally – A Core Business Principle
Merriam Webster defines the word local [lo·cal | \ ˈlō-kəl] as an adjective that means:
of, relating to, or characteristic of a particular place
primarily serving the needs of a particular limited district
Local is our community, our city, borough, neighborhood, our street, and our neighbors. Supporting local businesses and investing in the communities where we live and work has been a part of Broadway Stages’ DNA since we got our start in Astoria back in 1983. Today, as we continue to battle the impact of COVID-19, that principle is more important than ever. The pandemic has impacted all of us and changed the face of our City. Never before have we seen our City take such a vast pause. Never before have we seen so many local shops shuttered. But we have rallied, and we are getting back to business, albeit with face masks and at a safe social distance. But rally we have! And now more than ever, it’s important to support local businesses. While we grieve the loss of many beloved local shops to the pandemic, now is the time to focus our support on those local businesses that have survived and are providing goods and services to our community.
Check out our website to read our weekly Business Spotlight featuring businesses across our community, then grab a face mask and venture out to eat and shop or grab your laptop and order something online. There are a number of options available to support your local community, including volunteer opportunities such as the North Brooklyn Angels or The Campaign Against Hunger, to name just two of many organizations helping our community deal with the impact of the pandemic. Please join us as we work toward a brighter tomorrow. Together we will beat the pandemic and thrive!