Broadway Stages

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Our Green Rooftop Garden Grows

As our city weathered the moderate winter and faced the invasion of COVID-19 in the spring, our business associates at Alive Structures have been quietly, yet diligently and safely, working to continue to GREEN our rooftops. Thanks to the Alive Structures team led by Marni Majorelle, the Broadway Stages Green Corridor is blooming with life and hope for a healthier tomorrow.

In January of 2019 Broadway Stages was awarded a $1.5 million grant by the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation’s Green Innovation Grant Program for the installation of a 1.4-acre green roof. When complete, the project, which was designed, installed, and managed by Alive Structures atop three of Broadway Stages’ film production studios in Greenpoint, will add almost 61,000 square feet of green rooftops to the 27,000 square feet of green rooftops that already thrive atop our sound stages across Brooklyn. Upon completion, the expansion will create a Green Corridor totaling over 80,000 square feet of green rooftop gardens that will help to advance ecosystem services that are critical to habitat and community.

We have more work to do to complete the project but we are extremely proud of the progress made to date, especially with the challenges we are all facing. We will keep you posted on the headway we make on the Green Corridor project. In the meantime, take good care, remain healthy, get outside – at a safe distance – and enjoy the sunshine. Summer has arrived!