Broadway Stages

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Reflection Hour - WE ARE NATURE Rooftop Series | NOoSPHERE Arts

On Cyber Monday instead of shopping, our friends at NOoSPHERE Arts together with CreateART, were busy co-hosting a virtual reflection hour of their WE ARE NATURE Rooftop Series that took place in and around the Kingsland Wildflowers native-flora gardens this past September. This virtual event reflected on the one-of-a-kind performances, including insight from the artists, a live session with renowned scientist, educator, writer and activist Fritjof Capra, and the premiere of the official WE ARE NATURE 2020 video.

The WE ARE NATURE Rooftop Series offers a combination of multiple art forms – dance, music, performance, visual art, poetry, prose and film – addressing humanity’s place in the greater All. Part of the official Climate Week 2020 programming, the first two live events were scheduled as bookends to the annual environmental summit hosted by the United Nations and the City of New York. Each featured a theme introduction by Fritjof Capra, a newly commissioned site-specific dance work performed across several outdoor stages, and guest artist performances. If you missed the performances or the reflection hour, we encourage you to take the time to watch.  Especially during these stressful times, allow yourself to take a moment to pause, reflect and enjoy this intriguing performance from the comfort of your home.   Broadway Stages remains grateful to our environmental arts partner, NOoSPHERE Arts, for their continued commitment to bring the arts to our community particularly in these unprecedented times.  Stay safe, be well and enjoy the arts and the healing beauty of our environment!